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MiSTAR CMM în 5 axe cu PH20 PROMOȚIE

MiSTAR CMM de atelier cu cap PH20 în 5 axe cu magazie TCR. Promoție valabilă până in 31 decembrie 2025

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O Actualizare importantă:

Pentru cei dintre voi care folosesc MCOSMOS, MiCAT Planner și alte produse Mitutoyo care utilizează CodeMeter. Vă rugăm să aveți în vedere că există o actualizare necesară a CodeMeter pentru a utiliza produsele dumneavoastră Mitutoyo în scopul propus.


Pentru a descărca CodeMeter User Runtime pentru Windows, faceți clic aici: Software-ul utilizatorului - Wibu-Systems.









Prelucrări mecanice

Producători de echipamente originale (OEM)

Evenimente & Actualități
November 30 - December 02, 2023

The TechIndustry is the biggest and most important industrial fair in the Baltic Region. Hosted in Riga, Latvia, it will take place between the days 30th of November and 2nd of December.

November 15-16, 2023

The Precisiebeurs fair is the trade fair for the entire precision technology value chain: from mechatronic engineerying and systems, metrology, vacuum and clean, micro processing and motion, laser and photonics to production for high precision. It will take place in Den Bosch, Netherlands, on 15-16 November 2023.

November 14-17, 2023
Semicon Europa 2023

SEMICON Europa 2023 in Munich, Germany, during the days 14-17 of November aims to create the strongest single event for electronics manufacturing in Europe, and broadening the range of attendees across the electronics chain.

November 14-16, 2023
Alihankinta Subcontracting

This subcontractor trade fair presents the metal, electronics, plastics and rubber industries, industrial ICT solutions as well as design and consulting within these fields in Tampere, Finland, between 26-28 of September.

November 07-10, 2023

Demo Metal is a standard event dedicated to metal processing technologies in Braosv, Romania. It will take place fon 07-10 November 2023.

March 25-28, 2025
Control Stom

The CONTROL-STOM Expo provides visitors with a diversified offer; innovative measurement methods, destructive testing equipment and analytical instrumentation constitute just a part of the expo scope. Targi Kielce Exhibition & Congress Centre

November 01-02,2023
Advanced Engineering

The 14th edition of Advanced Engineering will celebrate innovation, collaboration and sustainability within the engineering and manufacturing industries on the days 1-2 of November in Birmingham, UK.

November 14-16, 2023
Elmia Subcontractor

Elmia Subcontractor is the heart of the industry providing it with oxygen, energy, and momentum for three effective days, from 14th to 16th November in Jönköping, Sweden.

October 19-22, 2023
Metal Machinery

The Metal Machinery Expo in Athens, Greece, in October 19-22 2023, will exhibit metal working machinery and technolody, Industrial equipment and subcontracting.

October 17-19,2023

Siane is taking pleace from 17th-19th October in Toulouse, France. It is a trade show that gathers manufacturers and designers, wholesalers, owners of industrials plants, software and hardware industries and many more!

October 18-22, 2023
TIE 2023

The Interconnection Techniques in Electronics contest in Craiova, Romania, 18th-22nd October, is a student professional contest whose objective is to promote technological computer aided design (CAE-CAD-CAM) of electronic modules.

October 10-13, 2023

The MSV International Engineering Fair is the most important industrial fair in Central Europe, where all key fields of the machinery and electrical engineering industry are represented. It will take place in Brno, Czech Republic from the 10th to the 13th of October.

October 10-12, 2023

The 8th edition of Sepem Industries Centre-Ouest will take place at the Angers Expo Congres Parc des Expositions between 10 - 12 October.

October 03-06, 2023

Machtech is the biggest international trade fair for machinery and technologies in metalworking in Bulgaria, which will take place in Sofia, on the 03-06 October.

October 03-05, 2023

Toolex, the International Trade Fair of Machine Tools, Tools, and Processing Technology will take place in the International Congress Centre in Katowice, Poland, from 03-05 October.

September 20-21, 2023
Medical Technology

The Medical Technology Ireland Expo and Conference will be held in Galway on the days 20-21 of September and will showcase innovative medical technology products and solutions for the Irish medical device design and manufacturing industry.

September 05-08, 2023

Plast, held in Milan, Italy, is one of the most important exhibitions for the plastics and rubber industry worldwide. This year it will take place from the 5th to the 8th of September.

August 20-26, 2023

This annual conference will take place from 20 - 26 August in Dublin, Ireland, and is devoted to manufacturing engineering and attracting the order of 700 leading international researchers.

June 27-30, 2023
Laser World of Photonics

The Laser World of Photonics Trade Fair will be held in Munich, Germany, from the 27th to the 30th of June, and is the International Trade Fair for Photonics Components, Sytems and Applications.

June 19-25, 2023
Paris Air Show

The International Paris Air Show at Le Bourget is the best opportunity to discover all the latest developments in the Aerospace Industry. From 19 - 25 June.